28 September 2009

quick post of nothing

this post isn't anything spectacular. i'm updating some of my friends about an issue regarding a video i promised

it seems that megaupload, mediafire, and my own e-mail won't take the video i created (either zip format or not) and even if i upload both parts of the video onto youtube, it still won't work. i'm not sure what to do. i'm going to go to the local bakery some time this week and use their internet as i was told they have better internet.

in any case, classes have gotten extremely hectic and sometime this weekend i'll have an update.

until then! i'm sorry i haven't been present recently! know that i'm getting better (sickness wise) and that i'm still having a great time out here in the land of the (early) rising sun and (early) setting sun. (more on that on a later post)



  1. I should make a video for you since I haven't been around >3>

    And I have a favor to ask of you if you have some time X3 I'll email you about it tonight probably!

  2. Don't sweat it at all Hoshiko!

    keep a focus on your classes and your health!

    We're rooting for you!

  3. Best of luck with your classes!!! I'll be here to read whenever you have a chance to post, so no worries!

