17 September 2009

a typical day?

nothing really special to report here, but i felt it was needed a little.

it's my last day of no classes here in 日本, and i wanted to go out exploring the town since yesterday i lazed around at the dorms all day with friends. i woke up and talked on skype for awhile with family and friends, then went to the school to have lunch with some japanese classmates we've come to know.

one of the guys invited me to play basketball and we messed around for an hour. we taught him some bad english words (heh heh), and he helped us in japanese. it was really fun and i was so happy when they said my japanese in improving. even my friend who visited tells me this as we text in japanese every day.

however, once i got back to the dorms, no one wanted to go out. two of my friends then said they were going shopping for food, so i tagged along to get some more cereal, milk, and some other stuff. a friend of mine said she'd teach me how to make doria, which is a dish i've REALLY come to enjoy eating over here. i got the ingredients needed and headed home.

at first, it seemed simple: put the rice in the rice cooker, once it's done, put the sauce and cheese over it, add the egg for the final touch, and stick it in the toaster oven. now, my bowl said that it was okay in ovens, so i put it in. i was worried the egg would explode. nope.

i know so many of you saw this coming, but here it goes.

the damn bowl melted in the fucking toaster oven. i mean REALLY melted. the food turned out awesome (save for the egg since it didn't cook long enough), but the bowl was just...yeah. it looks like a modern deco cigarette dish now. i managed to catch it before it COMPLETELY melted as i was watching to make sure the damn egg didn't explode, but my stupid lying bowl. god...

so what do all my wonderful new friends do? FUCKING LAUGH AT ME AND TAKE PICTURES! oh man, i was so... yeah, i was sad and made i couldn't cook, but i was laughing so hard. oh man, i haven't laughed that hard since i left the States. it was amazing. and then, because they laughed, i made them take me out to dinner so i could get the REAL doria. when they saw what it was MEANT to look like compared to my version, they just laughed more. oh man...

so we go back afterwards and stay up chatting about room mates and psychotic british people (clair) and just funny stories only to have the british boys tell us some really raunchy things that made some of us go bright red in the face. it was really really funny.

now, tomorrow, i have afternoon classes that i may or may not be taking. since i get the opportunity to sit in before i officially sign up for the class, i'm going to see whether or not i'll enjoy these classes. but before that, in the morning, i'm going to sakae to change my phone's e-mail as well as help a friend buy her new phone. only to have to come back, go to school, get out of school for an hour so i can make some cookies, go BACK to school for another hour, come back home, give the cookies to my friend, and then...i dunno. nothing?

friday i have a FIELD TRIP! whoo!
expect a lot of pictures and information about that on everyone's friday (my saturday)

sorry for the boring post.


...no, i will not show any pictures of my stupid bowl/plate. god, i don't know why i kept it...


  1. No post is boring, my friend. I'm glad to hear from you, even if it's simply day to day things.

    Speaking of which, I saw Saito-sensei, and she sends her regards.


  2. ....... better than breaking the dishwasher.... >> and having ANTS CRAWL ALL OVER YOU FOR NO REASON - and all ppl do is say THEY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU <3<3.......

  3. WOW!

    Sounds like you had a blast! Cooking is overrated, don't worry about it.

    You have a lot of things to do! jeez.

    Have fun at least.

    Always look forward to hearing from you.
