06 September 2009


that's nagoya city for those who can't read japanese.

all right, well this day is a long one and the most amazing one i've had in japan, save for the first day. the day before, a friend i made here and i went shopping because i realized i didn't have nearly enough clothes. what was i thinking...? so i stopped by a clothing place and bought some SUPER CUTE clothes. not too bad. then we adventured to go eat out at a new place. holy hell we were really lost. it was an adventure to test our skills and i managed to get most of it. i got a good meal and paid my way so, all turned out all right. saturday turned out to be the only break of a day i got. luckily i got the internet and skype working, though.

so today (for me, sunday) the entire dorm went to nagoya city. first we took a bus to the train station and then the train to another train and then landed smack dab in the coolest train station i've ever been to in my life. THERE WAS WATER ON THE ROOF! there was a see-through roof above an outdoors-y station (it was half inside and half outside) with water on top of the roof that made the entire place feel just so awesome. and best of all...this place was SUPER CLEAN! it was awesome.

so we were given an hour and a half to explore and eat and the like. one of the japanese girls suggested this one place to eat that was close by. i went in and picked this omlette, rice, tomato thing. holy mother of God if that wasn't the most DELICIOUS thing i've ever had in my life. i could NOT stop eating. i actually finished my plate for the first time in....EVER! and i even had room for ice cream (WHY ARE THE JAPANESE AGAINST CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM?! it's all vanilla damnit)! soooooo good and it REALLY filled me up!

there was a haunted house in town, but we were told we couldn't go in as we had no more time. so i bought a little bouncy ball :3
we then got back on the train and made our way to nagoya castle. wow....just...wow.... there really is no explaining this castle other than it was like i stepped back in time. i was amazed at how stunning the entire area was. most was left in tact, but most...was changed to toursit attraction stuff. still, it was amazing. i felt bad that...well...thanks to ww2 an entire section of the castle had burned to almost nothing so i gave all my loose change to help rebuild it. YES! XD

lots of walking and history flowed by. i was sooooo tired of the walking and those stairs scared me shitless. i bought some people some gifts and even got myself a fan. i've decided that every place i go, i'm going to buy a fan of some sort. this isn't an unfolding type, it's a plain, flat one, but it says nagoya city on it. :3

once done there, hopped back on the train and ended up in the middle of nagoya city. the large mass of gaijin (foreigners) and i walked to the biggest electronic store i've ever seen. it was 5 massive stories of pure electronics. i rushed inside to buy myself an electronic dictionary and got the best kind. can turn into an english menu and you write whatever kanji you see so that it'll translate it for you. comes in handy for just walking around on the street and all.

by this time...i was dying. the heat and my feet were killing me! luckily, time was up and we headed back. but by now, i was starving. so of few of my new friends and i stopped at the italian resturant nearby and had some dinner to top off the evening. it was such an amazing day and while my back and feet are reeling from the sheer torture i just put them through, my camera and my head are full of amazing memories.

i've uploaded a lot of my pictures from my time on my facebook if anyone hasn't seen them yet. however, there's a lot of inside nagoya castle i didn't put up. i didn't really want to take up an entire album for just the inside. so i've uploaded all the pictures to my photobucket account. i'll post the link later today for you all. it's about 11:30 PM my time and i'm exhausted. (plus, the downloading to photobucket is taking forever).

see you tomorrow!



  1. Sounds like an amazing day! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures <3

  2. AH! I must run off and look at the pictures!

    I'm really glad that you have this blog going. I love reading about your adventures!!!


  3. :SLKDFJLS:KDFJS:KLDJFLKS:DFJ I've totally been to one of those electronics stores. Except I went to one in Nagasaki. They're startling, eh?!?

  4. Hey Hoshiko

    So glad your having a good time.
    We think about you alot.
    U.T.& Kat.

  5. train station with water above? cool XD and wait til you see akiba if that electronic store got ya excited XD
