03 March 2010


Just leaving a quick message here. Sorry for the lack of updates, especially about Kyoto and Osaka. I went back to America for awhile and have been studying for my upcoming placement exams that take place in a few weeks. Also, the Kyoto and Osaka trip is quite a long post.

I'm going to type up those two updates on Word and then paste it on here when I get the chance. Just thought I'd drop you all a line saying I'm still alive and that everything is going great. It's warming up a bit out here and I finally have money since my next trip won't be for awhile.

However! I have been invited by friends to go back to Osaka with them sometime to go to Japan's Universal Studios. I'm horribly excited for it. Also, I plan to go back to Kyoto when the cherry blossoms are in bloom with my girlfriend for a weekend and will post some things up about that.

Until then! See you around!

P.S. GO CANADA! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR WINNING THE GOLD! They totally deserved it. America, you put up an amazing show. So proud of the boys.


1 comment:

  1. Great to see you made back ok.
    Glad we had some time together!.

    UT & KAT
